Tuesday, February 17, 2015

World cruise 19

February 12

Rain, rock and roll, all lightly, all day. The only change in routine for me was that I went to team trivia. I filled in on a team for a temporarily missing member, but am glad to say the team did come in second mostly in spite of my help.

At dinner this evening, Margaret's and my friend, Penny, moved to our table in the dining room. Also our other table mate, Andy, was back. He had left the ship in Auckland, flown to Perth, and took the train all the way back across Australia to Sydney where he rejoined the ship.That's quite an adventure.

As I was typing this at 11:45 p.m. our time, Margaret's cell phone rang with a voice mail saying that her new grandson, Graden, has been born! He's about a week earlier than expected, but at 7 lbs 7 oz, not premature. Congratulations to Peggy, Garner, big sister Margaret, grandmother Margaret, and anyone else involved.

February 13

I had a good tour of Melbourne today with an excellent guide named Wendy. We mostly toured the downtown area while Wendy pointed out architectural gems and talked about the history of the city and aspects of life here.

The architecture alternates (literally) between Heritage buildings which were built in the late 1800s and early 1900s mostly in Victorian style, and sleek, modern, euro-style high rise buildings. There are strict laws about the Heritage buildings. They can be totally renovated inside, but the outside cannot be changed at all, not even the color of the trim.

One of the stops we made was at a building called Eureka Skydeck. I'm not sure what is in the building (apartments? offices?) but there is a very amazing observation area on the 88th floor with floor to ceiling windows. It is supposedly the tallest public viewing place in the Southern Hemisphere ... at least at present. The elevator to the top takes less than 40 seconds. My ears popped twice in each direction. It was an enormously clear day, and we could see almost all of Melbourne.

This is the Royal Exhibition Building in fine Victorian style and used for all kinds of exhibits and meetings to this day. Next door is the ultra-modern Melbourne Museum which makes quite a contrast. I prefer this one.

Several times we crossed the Yarra River which winds through the city and is largely public park along its banks. Up stream a good ways are beautiful vinyards and rolling hills reminiscent of central Virginia.

This last photo is of something I just glimpsed. I asked Wendy about it, but didn't get a clear answer.


Marcia said...

I know you're being modest about the trivia - we will definitely miss you on the Culture Quest team this year!

Unknown said...

You caught my curiosity with that last picture. I Googled it - it is the Riverside Arts Centre, and the tentacles are apparently a temporary installation. Interesting building.

DonnaB said...

Give Margaret a hug from me, grandma to grandma. Congrats to the family on Graden's birth.