Another sea day...lovely sunbathing weather. At the moment I write this, we have just passed between San Juan and the Dominican Republic en route to the Bahamas area. Only 2 days left. Those passengers who are perpetual hurriers and worriers spent the day lined up to talk to the representative of the company which will be shipping luggage home. I’m happy enough to wait until tomorrow or even Sunday to deal with that.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Another sea day...lovely sunbathing weather. At the moment I write this, we have just passed between San Juan and the Dominican Republic en route to the Bahamas area. Only 2 days left. Those passengers who are perpetual hurriers and worriers spent the day lined up to talk to the representative of the company which will be shipping luggage home. I’m happy enough to wait until tomorrow or even Sunday to deal with that.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
An excellent day at sea. Was invited to lunch with the Captain and was actually seated at his table. He is a very personable man with a great sense of humor. He has been with this ship since the beginning, and was her first Captain when she was the Royal Viking Sun. When she went to Seabourne, he went with her, and the same when she was transferred to Holland America in 2002=2003 to become the Prinsendam. It was also a lovely lunch.
Thursday, March 8
Today we were at St. Lu

St. Lucia has the highest per capita number of Nobel Laureates of any country in the world. They have two, but their population is about 160,000. Interestingly, both were born on January 23, so that day is now a national holiday!
Back on board in the afternoon, we were treated to a concert by a fabulous steel drum band. Those kids played absolutely non-stop at top speed for almost an hour! then then moed down to the dock and played about another 30-40 minutes as we prepared to sail. What energy!! And many of their numbers, at least in the concert, appeared to be original compositions, although they did play some Caribbean favorites down on the dock.
I think I mentioned that the ship has been giving us presents of one sort or another all along...tote bags, binoculars, books, a parka, etc. Today they gave each of us a great suitcase to take it all home in! It’s even got wheels and a pull-out handle. I swear that it’s big enough that with it and the matching tote bag I could probably do a one-week cruise with just those two pieces of luggage!! The sad part is that I need to start packing soon as we only have 3 days left!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Sunday we sailed down the Amazon all day, only slowing down to let the pilots off at Marapa. About the middle of the evening we crossed the bar into the Atlantic again. The Indonesian Crew Show was that evening. Our assistant dining room steward, Fausta, was the master of ceremonies and did a fine job of that and of a ballad. Our dining room steward, Indra, was also in the show. It was one of the very best crew shows I’ve ever seen.
Monday was rainy and bouncy...a perfect day to do not much but read.
Today, Tuesday, we are at Devil’s Island, French Guyana. Actually, there are three islands called Iles du Salut (Iles of Salvation). The main prison facility is on Ile Royale which is the only one we can visit. The other two, Ile St. Joseph (where they kept the prisoners in solitary) and Devil’s Island itself (where they kept political prisoners like Dreyfus) are smaller and virtually inaccessible due to extremely treacherous currents through very narrow channels (650 yards in one case) between the islands. The prison was phased out between 1938 and 1947 and virtually all that’s left are ruins and a small hotel that occupies what used to be the wardens’ mess hall. Having seen enough of prisons in recent years, and the fact that we are going ashore in tenders and there’s nothing to do there but walk around, I am not going ashore today. In fact, the weather is so hazy and humid that the islands look like small palm-covered lumps, so even a photo isn’t very interesting. After lunch we head out for St. Lucia.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Another superior tour today! I was really exhausted this morning, but determined to go on the second river tour anyway. I actually felt better at the end of it than at the beginning.
It was most interesting to see the area in daylight. The canoe ride was a lot longer, and we saw a lot of fascinating stuff: monkeys jumping in the trees, a black ring-neck hawk, a blue-capped heron, egrets, an Amazonian kingfisher, one of those bright blue and black butterflies (I forget the name...starts with "M"), lots of different kinds of vegetation. Then there were the kids in canoes offering to let you hold various sorts of wild life like good-sized caimans, three-toed sloths, and an anaconda that was about 9 feet long. I petted the caimans and had my picture taken wearing the anaconda. It was pretty hand just managed to go around its neck...and it was very strong. That was fun, but showing the photos around back on board was even more fun. I declined to hold the sloth as I was quite aware of its microflora and didn’t wish to discover its microfauna, but as I was sitting right next to the guide, I got several good photos of it also.
Antarctica was interesting, but the Amazon has really been the highlight of this trip for me.
Saturday, March 3
Half the day at Parantins, Brazil, the fourth largest city on the Amazon. We were greeted at docking by fireworks and again at sailing. There was also a charming troop of young boy scouts directing traffic and tourists on the dock.
I at
Getting back to the ship, I was finally able to break my lifelong streak of never seeing a dolphin from a ship. I wasn’t able to catch them on camera, but I did actually see both species of freshwater Amazon dolphins, the grey and the pink.
Friday, March 2, 2007
What a totally fanta

In the afternoon, I went up to the port terminal here in Manaus (using only my canes, but I did take the shuttle up the slope of the floating dock they have here). That felt like a real accomplishment, but it wasn’t a patch on this evening!
Just as it got dark, I boarded a river boat which crossed the Rio Negro to Lake January where we transferred to 8-person canoes and went looking for caimans. What an experience! Floating almost silently along waterways in the flooded forest, with a full moon overhead and a young man with a flashlight on the bow spotting caimans. After several misses, he actually caught a young one, and I even got to pet it! Add in some amazingly good star-viewing (despite the full moon) when I got to see the Southern Cross, and it was an awesome evening.
Tomorrow I’m going back to Lake January in daylight when the canoes will take us actually into the flooded rainforest. I’m totally skipping the city tour here...seen enough cathedrals and opera houses already.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007
Sun diamonds sparkle
on brown Amazon waters –
gilding the silt.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sea day...great! Lots of lazy time. This evening was both a formal night and Carnaval celebration in the dining room. We brought Harvey back to the table and even dressed him for the occasion with a black tie and my multi-colored mylar wig. He looked great.
than whitecaps, soaring, swooping,
diving into blue.
Yeah! Another sea day! Since we are now sailing north, my starboard verandah is perfect for morning sunbathing and afternoon reading. I also spent much of the day watching albatross and petrels pacing the ship and diving for the fish we scare up. What incredible grace.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Love these sea days! I actually got to lie out in the sun for a (very) few minutes without getting fried. After dinner Jill and John and Lillian and I went to the show in the lounge with a fine singer named Nick who specializes in Neil Diamond stuff. I never liked "Red Red Wine" when it was popular in the upbeat version years ago, but Nick did it as a ballad, and it was really nice. Then there was an hysterically funny magician/comedian named Andy. Both were really nice guys from the UK with whom John and I had spent part of the afternoon chatting. Too bad their time on board will be up in Salvador. I wouldn’t have minded a few more performances from them.
Monday, February 19, 2007
At Montevideo today, I took another half-day tour. It’s somewhat similar to Buenos Aires, but a good deal smaller. It has lovely beaches and lots of parks and statuary. When I got back I saw the doctor about the bronchitis, got some expensive pills and cough syrup, ordered a room service lunch and went to sleep.
Thursday and Friday, February 15-16
Weather has been great, warm with smooth seas. Two days at sea mostly lost to bronchitis and sleep. I even skipped the formal night Valentine’s Day dinner, but Jill and Lillian and John brought me long-stemmed red roses that were part of the festivities...very sweet of them.
Saturday and Sunday, February 17-18
Rio de Janeiro...again mostly lost to bronchitis and sleep. Wound up canceling both tours I had booked here in favor of another trip to the doctor who gave me a whole bunch more pills and stuff. But I didn’t miss all of Rio completely.
When we docked Saturday morning there was some sort of Carnival kick-off thing going on in a building right near my cabin...7:30 a.m. this was. In a fenced off area were about 100 people (mostly men judging by their shirtless condition) dancing and partying to incredibly loud and driving samba beat with a sort of wailing "New Age" kind of vocals...except when a piercing soprano launched into that famous aria from "Carmen!" It was so loud that I’m surprised that every pacemaker and bypass owner on the ship didn’t go into cardiac arrhythmia!
This a
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
We are at Buenos Aires. I did not go ashore today because I’m just not much good at wandering around by myself using public transportation any more. As others came back from tours, they told of long lines of (around 3000) people jamming the passenger terminal at the dock waiting to board the Golden Princess, so I’m just as glad I didn’t try to go. It has now been 12 days since I set foot on land (back on our first visit to Ushuaia), so I am looking forward to my tour tomorrow.
I did go down to the Infirmary and weighed myself on their scales this afternoon. The bad news is that I have not lost any weight. The good news is that I haven’t gained any either! I’ve been pretty faithful about not pigging out at breakfast and lunch. Also, the chef has been helping me by being quite cutesy with his dinner menus, so that often there isn’t a whole lot that I want to eat...or at least I wind up asking them to leave off the rich sauces, etc. They also have a nasty habit of dripping raspberry couli over most of the desserts, so that I often just have no-sugar added ice cream. It’s now a standard joke at our table about me not liking "red stuff" on my desserts. That’s okay...between that and the fact that it takes more energy to even stay in bed on a moving ship, my clothes still fit.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Lots of people went ashore at Stanley, and lots of them went to see penguins, but I didn’t. We were not docked, but using tenders, and a nasty wind made the tender boarding process more dangerous than I cared to risk. Those who did go had a great time, and said the people there were really friendly as were the penguins. People were admonished to go no closer to the penguin colony than 5 meters, but if they stood still, the penguins would come right up to them and almost stand on the peoples’ toes to check them out.
I spent much of the day up in the Crow’s Nest watching the weather patterns sweep across the town and countryside about every 3 minutes. Sunshine, wind, rain, sleet, hail, sunshine, rain, clouds sitting on the hills, etc. Even the wave patterns were interesting...long lines of foam parallel to each other and the shore line, but seemingly unconnected to wind or wave patterns. Some of the places in Chile were truly desolate with not a blade or leaf of green on the hills due to the Atacama Desert, but there was plenty of evidence of habitation. Here in the Falklands there was green, but it looked almost more desolate. No trees, only gorse and grasses and rocks and this one little village of around 1000 inhabitants with ever-changing weather.
Saturday, February 10
En route to Buenos Aires. The air is getting warmer and the sea is relatively smooth. They’ve changed our port schedule again, keeping the second day in Manaus, dropping Reciefe, Barbados and Half Moon Cay, but adding back St. Lucia and Grand Turk. This, of course, plays hob with the poor Shore Excursion Office people trying to book alternative tours. My fancy chartered flight tour to Iguazu Falls was cancelled...they just couldn’t obtain an aircraft to charter on the days we are going to be in Buenos Aires. Ah well, the refund on that one tour will probably cover most of my shipboard charges for the whole trip!

Sunday, February 11
Another smooth day at sea. We should reach Rio de la Plata this afternoon and Buenos Aires tomorrow morning. I am constantly amazed that I am actually on this wonderful trip...never before expected to be gazing out at the South Atlantic Ocean!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Well, aside from some 25-30 knot winds early on Sunday, our crossing of Drake’s Passage was quite pleasant. By Sunday afternoon, even the wind had dropped some and we were left with only the gentle swell of deep ocean.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
First I have sad news for all the members of Haiku SIG. Mimi Barry passed away a day or two ago. More on this when I get home to do the April issue of Pebbles.We are about halfway across Drake's Passage and while it's bouncy, it's not nearly as exciting as the first try. I am advised that our sattelite link will probably be pretty spotty while we are sailing around Antarctica, so if I don't get any new posts up for a few days, don't worry.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
I cannot repeat too often how greatly impressed I am with the Captain and all his crew and staff and how they handled the whole emergency. I feel perfectly safe on this ship as do the vast majority of the other passengers.
Meanwhile, we are still in Us
Friday, February 2, 2007
Still at Punta Arenas for the day, as originally scheduled. It’s a relatively desolate spot with a town of around 100,000. I was feeling lousy today, so I skipped the "usual" bus tour of the town with the usual church, main square and native market. I understand that the 4th item here was the local cemetary...that may sound odd, but I hear it was gorgeous.
As for feeling lousy, it turns out that it’s probably a side-effect of the anti-malarial drug I’ve been taking. So on advice from the ship’s doctor I’m stopping it until we get to Rio.
The ship has been giving us nice gifts every so often. Today’s was a gorgeous light blue parka. A couple of days ago it was a nice pair of binoculars, and before that a top quality tote bag, plus other stuff. Of course we’ve paid for it all in our fares, but it’s still fun to get "free" stuff.
Wednesday, January 31
Took a nice tour on the narrow gauge railroad then by bus to Tierra del Fuego National Park. Went to the very end of the Pan American Highway...the "end of the world" or as far south as one can go by vehicle. Lots of interesting mountains, cirques, open areas that had been logged off by convicts from the Ushuaia prison 1912-1947, areas of trees killed by introduced beavers. Saw a Caracara bird, several Upland Geese, and tons of rabbits...BIG rabbits! Finally got back to the ship a little before 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Lots of "shrimp" jokes going around the ship as this morning they had to switch to reserve power while they cleared masses of shrimp out of all the engine filters. And one guess what was on the menu for an appetizer this evening...although even the Captain assured everyone that the shrimp from the filters would NOT appear in the dining room. (The Captain has quite a sense of humor, and when he comes on the PA to make announcements, starts off with "It’s me again," instead of the usual "This is the Captain speaking.")
We spent most of the morning and early afternoon cruising down the Messier Channel. Around 4:00 p.m. we sailed up "Iceberg Fjord" to view "Iceberg Glacier" – our first look at a real glacier, and some folks even saw a few penguins (of course on the other side of the sip from where I was at the time).
The show after dinner was very good. Jim and Ann Curry. Jim is a major John Denver devotee and was the one to sing his songs in the biopic about him. They did a number of his songs, both upbeat and ballads while the ship rocked and rolled back out in the Pacific. Later, just as I was going to sleep, one of my closet doors jumped its little stop thing and banged open. I figure it woke the back half of the ship, it was so loud. Then I had to use various bits of clothing to keep the glassware in the bar from rolling around after it fell over. Well, at least I’m not least not yet, although if the crossing to Antarctica is much worse than this, I’ll be popping Dramamine like Life Savers!
Monday, January 29
We were supposed to visit another glacier early this morning, but because of a medical emergency (a passenger had a major heart attack yesterday and is still in critical but now stable condition), the Captain decided to skip the glacier and proceed as rapidly as possible to Punta Arenas. We were originally due there tomorrow morning, but should arrive about 7:00 this evening.
Lots of "shrimp" jokes going around the ship as this morning they had to switch to reserve power while they cleared masses of shrimp out of all the engine filters. And one guess what was on the menu for an appetizer this evening...although even the Captain assured everyone that the shrimp from the filters would NOT appear in the dining room. (The Captain has quite a sense of humor, and when he comes on the PA to make announcements, starts off with "It’s me again," instead of the usual "This is the Captain speaking.")
We spent most of the morning and early afternoon cruising down the Messier Channel. Around 4:00 p.m. we sailed up "Iceberg Fjord" to view "Iceberg Glacier" – our first look at a real glacier, and some folks even saw a few penguins (of course on the other side of the sip from where I was at the time).
The show after dinner was very good. Jim and Ann Curry. Jim is a major John Denver devotee and was the one to sing his songs in the biopic about him. They did a number of his songs, both upbeat and ballads while the ship rocked and rolled back out in the Pacific. Later, just as I was going to sleep, one of my closet doors jumped its little stop thing and banged open. I figure it woke the back half of the ship, it was so loud. Then I had to use various bits of clothing to keep the glassware in the bar from rolling around after it fell over. Well, at least I’m not least not yet, although if the crossing to Antarctica is much worse than this, I’ll be popping Dramamine like Life Savers!
Monday, January 29
We were supposed to visit another glacier early this morning, but because of a medical emergency (a passenger had a major heart attack yesterday and is still in critical but now stable condition), the Captain decided to skip the glacier and proceed as rapidly as possible to Punta Arenas. We were originally due there tomorrow morning, but should arrive about 7:00 this evening.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
We were sailing up a fjord when I woke up. Arrived at Puerto Chacabuco (a really teeny town...barely a hamlet...maybe the size of Ivy) about 9:30 am. John and I went on the "Cruising the Austral Channels" tour which was excellent. On shore, everyone else had to walk from the tender dock to the catamaran, but I (and John) got a ride in the local hotel’s van. The boat was lovely. Downstairs were all airline type seats, but we stayed up on the main deck in the lounge which had nice couches and tables and huge windows. It got somewhat cloudy as we went, but was still totally spectacular! Waterfalls and snow-capped volcanoes on every side.
Once we got down to the Islas Cinquo Hermanos Natural Reserve area, they began passing around wine and other drinks, then several rounds of canapes, then little pizza-like things, then skewers of chicken and beef, then chicken empanadas, then large triangular beef pastries (also containing onions and a big chunk of hard boiled egg an an olive complete with pit), then little candies, and more drinks. Meanwhile a young couple in costume did native dances, after which they inveigled various tourists into dancing with them, etc. A good time was had by all!
The ship sailed out by way of the Darwin Channel...more fantastic views. What a place! Less than 30 minutes underway, there was an odd vibration to the ship. I thought we may have scraped something in the water, but the Captain soon came on the PA system to explain that we had just experienced an earthquake!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
At sea again today. I really like the sea days with not much to do. I did finally see the comet this evening. It is called Comet McNaught for the Australian who found it about a year ago. It is only visible in the Southern Hemisphere and supposedly is the brightest comet (or was at perihelion around January 12) since one in 1965. Now that I know where to look, I should be able to see it easily from my own verandah.
Friday, January 26
Today we were at Puerto Montt which is at the southern end of Chile’s lake district. The difference in general appearance of the towns is amazing. This is due to the very strong German influence from an influx of German immigrants in the early 1900s. The architecture of houses in particular is very different from the Spanish influence areas of the country, complete with pitched roofs, shaped shingles and even some half-timbered effects, not to mention the basic paint schemes which are far more Germanic than Spanish. Some of that is going away as the city has been greatly rebuilt since it was almost destroyed in an earthquake in 1960. However, you can still see it clearly in the resort city of Puerto Varas where our tour went (photo).
This afternoon we are sailing south through the Golfo de Ancud with the Andes rising most majestically to the east of us.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
At sea today–overcast and cooler than it has been in the morning, but warming up nicely in the afternoon.. Team Trivia in the morning, then Jill and I got together to plan some future skulduggery in relation to Harvey. He is, of course, the pookah who occupies the apparently vacant seat at our table.
We also went to the knitting and needlework group. If you don’t have any needlework of your own, the ship will provide yarn, needles and instructions for making various items that are then donated to orphanages...this trip possibly in Rio. So now I’m knitting a cap for some poor unknown soul...I call him or her that because my knitting skills are rusty, and there’s no telling how it will turn out although the yarn is a lovely, soft blue-green mix.

I didn’t go see the comet (which someone said is called McNaught, or something that sounds like that), although we did turn up at the beginning of the astroomy session. It was quite chilly and very windy, and Jill and I just weren’t dressed warmly enough to spend time on the upper front deck. Also the astronomy session was later than the best viewing time for the comet, so we’ll try again tomorrow. This comet-viewing is beginning to sound like my experience in 1986 on a Halley’s Comet cruise when I never did see the comet while on board (although I did see it later).
Monday, January 22, 2007
We arrived around 1:00 pm this afternoon to be greeted by a huge crowd of waving spectators on the breakwater to watch us come in, and then at the pier by an excellent brass band and spectacularly costumed dancers. The tour I took was excellent, our guide was very fluent in English, proud of her city and happy to show it off. This is the first time that Holland America has stopped here, and in fact they only had 2 cruise ships stop last year and 2 before us this year, so their tourist industry is relatively new, but they are really working at it and doing a fine job.
Monday, January 22 -- At sea today–overcast and cooler than it has been. Team Trivia in the morning, then Jill and I got together to plan some future skulduggery in relation to Harvey. He is, of course, the pookah who occupies the apparently vacant seat at our table.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
And on January 20, here are Gil, me, and Virginia in Arica, Chile. A real "fancy meeting you here" shot! They had just returned to their ship, ms Discovery, from a trip to Macchu Pichu and came over to the Prinsendam to visit. They loved Macchu Pichu, are having a great time on their cruise and said to say "hi" to all and sundry back home. (For those who don’t know, Virginia and I have lunch with a bunch of friends every Friday, and their itinerary and mine just happened to mesh here.) We visited for about an hour on the dock swapping trip stories. Got some great photos of Discovery as she sailed past us later. I was waving madly, and presume that Virginia and Gil were also. Then to cap the afternoon, I had my cruise-traditional Myers and Coke ("Hi" to Jeff, Mark, and Mary.).
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back at the ship in late afternoon I watched container ships unloading at this huge port, and at one point there was a flock of at least a thousand sea gulls that took off all at once and circled for around 5 minutes. It looked like a scene from a Hitchcock movie and certainly explained why the entire dock area is polka-dotted in white.
Today, January 18, I was supposed to go on a "shopping" tour, but when I discovered that it was to spend 3 hours at a native market, I decided that was too much shopping, so I stayed on board instead. There are several cruise ships in port with us. To our immediate port is the Seabourne Pride. Just beyond that is good ol’ Minerva II, and beyond that I can just see the stack on the Discover from which Virginia and Gil took off at 5:30 this morning for a trip to Macchu Pichu. We’ll catch up to them again in 2 days in Arica, Chile where we are planning to get together for a "fancy meeting you here" photo.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The tour today was really neat. First of all, it was the very best bus I’ve ever ridden in! Double-decker, but only one step up to the first level which another lady and I had all to ourselves. Big wide cushy leather bucket seats, each with its own cup holder and pull-down leg rest and plenty of leg room. First sightseeing bus I’ve met where I wasn’t all cramped up by the time I got off! Actually, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the fine quality of tour buses on this trip...I was all set for recycled un-air-conditioned school buses, and we’ve had nothing but top of the line models.
So where did we go? To Huaca El Brujo which is a Moche temple up the coast from Trujillo where excavations only began in the early
Monday, January 15, 2007
At dinner John had a photo he’d taken a couple of years ago on the Amazon. We told our waiter that the animal it showed would be tomorrow’s dinner and that there should be enough to share with everyone, then showed him the picture. He howled! Then he showed it to the head waiter who almost exploded trying not to laugh and then showed it to the Hotel Manager who eats at a table near ours with his wife. They also got a big kick out of it. The photo was of a young boy holding up the front end of a very large dead snake...probably a young anaconda. John and Jill and I of course were having hysterics all along. It was a fun dinner, especially as none of our table mates had managed to come.
Today (January 15) is another long lazy sea day. Sat in the sun. Played team trivia (our team would have tied for first if I hadn’t been out-voted on one answer). Tonight is a formal night with a black and white theme...I’m sure we shall all look like the ubiquitous penguins.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Today was a long, slow, cloudy and even a bit rainy sea day. Absolutely perfect for not doing much of anything. There was a "King Neptune" ceremony out on deck this afteroon as we cross the equator about midnight tonight, but I learned years ago to give such activities a miss.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I’ve also been meaning to tell you about Joco, my cabin steward. He’s from Indonesia and has worked on ships for quite a long time. He is most efficient and has a sense of humor as evidenced by the nightly turn-down service. While I am at dinner, he turns down the bed, arranges things like the next day’s schedule and other little announcements, and makes a animal from towels to greet me when I return to the cabin...usually with chocolates for eyes. So far in this first week I’ve been met by a bunny, a lobster, a ray, a cephalopod (probably squid), a frog, a dragonfly and a puppy. Tonight after dinner I returned to my cabin to find a large snake on my bed...if the photo comes out, I’ll post it tomorrow. It’s truly spectacular! I’m waiting to see how long he can go without repeating himself.
So, in less than 36 hours I have made the trip ocean to ocean 3 times: once by ship, once by train, and once by bus. All 3 were different and interesting. The train (I was in a very nice dome car with an excellent view) ran right alongside the Canal. The bus took a different route back, and in fact, we got special permission for the bus to drive across the upper dam on the Chagras River (which is the source for the 52 million gallons of water PER SHIP that goes through the Canal). Wow!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The photo shows a fuzzy beige patch with a brown stripe in a tree. According to our guide at the Tortuguero Canal in Costa Rica, said fuzzy patch was a 2-toed sloth. Right. I was actually more entranced by a flock of little black bats asleep on a palm tree. They looked like black ravioli pasted in a vertical line on the trunk.
Our tour driver was a real pro at avoiding the millions of potholes that the government has decided there is not money to repair...this in a rain forest area that gets 250-350 inches of rain per year (and it didn’t rain a drop while we were ashore!). Off the main road, there was far more hole than pot, and a one-bus-wide bridge that I would not have gone over by myself given any kind of choice!
We have just pulled up next to the San Blas Islands off the coast of Panama, so I’ve got to get ready to go ashore and get my share of molas!
- - - So I’m back on board, cooled off, cleaned up, and we’re rolling (literally) back up the coast to the Panama Canal which we will traverse tomorrow. And for the first time, I came back from the San Blas Islands with less than $40 worth of molas instead of my usual $200 dollars worth. Of course there’s still plenty of opportunity to change that total before we leave Panama...
Now we are in the middle of the Pedro Miguel locks at the Panama Canal.This was the first time I have seen the Centennial Bridge over the canal...a lovely construction.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
My trip down from Charlottesville on the 4th was uneventful (Thanks again, Jan, for the ride to the airport.) That evening I had a nice visit and dinner with Jayne Byal, a friend of Bob’s from his Punahou days who is a cruise travel agent in Ft. Lauderdale.
On to the ship on the 5th. I did get a little nervous when the ship finally sailed and my luggage had’t turned up in my cabin yet, but it was there when I got back at the end of the evening. I spent most of yesterday morning at sea unpacking and arranging my little “nest” for the next 2+ months.
The ms Prinsendam is a lovely ship. It was originally built in 1986 in Europe as the Royal Viking Sun. The only disadvantage I’ve found so far is that there is only one “American” electrical outlet, but it is conveniently located and I think/I have at least one adapter buried in my stuff somewhere which will help.
In the dining room I am at a table for 8 that seems to be all single people traveling alone. We haven’t seen everyone yet, but so far there are 2 from Canada, 1 each from Denver, Charlottesville, England, Germany, and perhaps India.
I went into Georgetown, Grand Cayman briefly by tender...mostly a test of how the tender system works for me and my walker. It worked just fine. I didn’t stay long as I was just there at Grand Cayman last January.