On to Salaverry, Peru (port for Trujillo) today. My tour left at 8:30, so I was up at the proverbial crack of dawn. We’ve been playing hopscotch with the Minerva II taking turns to be first in first out of the ports, and today is our turn to be first.
The tour today was really neat. First of all, it was the very best bus I’ve ever ridden in! Double-decker, but only one step up to the first level which another lady and I had all to ourselves. Big wide cushy leather bucket seats, each with its own cup holder and pull-down leg rest and plenty of leg room. First sightseeing bus I’ve met where I wasn’t all cramped up by the time I got off! Actually, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the fine quality of tour buses on this trip...I was all set for recycled un-air-conditioned school buses, and we’ve had nothing but top of the line models.
So where did we go? To Huaca El Brujo which is a Moche temple up the coast from Trujillo where excavations only began in the early
Hi, Didi,
Finally got around to checking out your blog. Sounds great - especially since we are having ice and a bit of sleet - ok, it's 33 degrees - cold for us Houstonians (laugh all you want, Yankees!) I'll keep reading.
Hey kiddo. It's Suzan. Imagine my snicker that you had to get up early on your holiday although it definitely sounds like getting up early was worth it. So glad that you are having a great time. You were missed at lunch. Nothing much going on here--typical Virginia weather--it was 70+ this past Saturday and never made it to 40 today. Love the photos although I looked and looked and couldn't see sloth out of that beige spot.
Hi Didi,
I've been checking in every couple of days. I'm with Suzan re the snicker about you getting up early enough to be off on a tour at 8:30. ;-)
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. I'm especially envious of the weather! (the temp this morning when I left the house was 18 degrees, with a 20+ mph wind blowing. Chill factor: -15 ish. Brrr.) Storm expected tomorrow night into Monday, w/snow.
Enjoy the sunshine! Keep the reports and photos coming. I'm fascinated!
Most cool! -- Jean
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