Monday, February 12
We are at Buenos Aires. I did not go ashore today because I’m just not much good at wandering around by myself using public transportation any more. As others came back from tours, they told of long lines of (around 3000) people jamming the passenger terminal at the dock waiting to board the Golden Princess, so I’m just as glad I didn’t try to go. It has now been 12 days since I set foot on land (back on our first visit to Ushuaia), so I am looking forward to my tour tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 13
A pleasa
nt, no stress tour this morning...mostly riding around on the tour bus looking at things as opposed to getting on and off for museums and shops. The photo here is of Eva Peron’s Memorial. I spent much of the afternoon reading in the shade up on Lido Deck.
I did go down to the Infirmary and weighed myself on their scales this afternoon. The bad news is that I have not lost any weight. The good news is that I haven’t gained any either! I’ve been pretty faithful about not pigging out at breakfast and lunch. Also, the chef has been helping me by being quite cutesy with his dinner menus, so that often there isn’t a whole lot that I want to eat...or at least I wind up asking them to leave off the rich sauces, etc. They also have a nasty habit of dripping raspberry couli over most of the desserts, so that I often just have no-sugar added ice cream. It’s now a standard joke at our table about me not liking "red stuff" on my desserts. That’s okay...between that and the fact that it takes more energy to even stay in bed on a moving ship, my clothes still fit.
I am doing my best to fight off the bronchial bug that has been making its way through the passenger list, but I may be on the losing end of the battle. At least it hasn’t gotten up into my sinuses yet.
My sympathies to all in the US and Canada who are buried in snow and ice. I could easily get used to spending January, February and March in the Southern Hemisphere!
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