Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29

At sea headed for Cyprus. Our next to last sea day for the first half of the voyage. Gotta rest up for a whole series of strenuous sightseeing days coming up. First item on today’s agenda was a “big girl breakfast” down in the dining room. It’s so nice to be waited on for breakfast. That’s what really lets me know I am on a cruise. Then a quiet sit-down on our veranda with view of passing Greek islands. At this juncture my father would have repeated his cruise mantra of “I wonder what the poor people are doing now.” Tacky, but true.

And speaking of friends will be astounded to learn that I finally tried eating (well, at least tasting) lobster. The other evening the main entree was lobster with a side order of filet mignon. So I tried the lobster. It tasted mostly like melted butter. I was not impressed, but now I’ve checked that one off my life list and reconfirmed my general preference for protein sources that are somewhat farther up the evolutionary scale (at least a backbone and preferably fur).

On my travels in the rest of the world, I’ve always seen plenty of several ports even too many of them. So far on this trip I haven’t seen any at all. It feels rather odd to be in a port with no gulls or other birds around. I must remember to ask someone about that. Yesterday in Katákolon there were plenty of flying things, but they were all military jets screaming past at medium telling whose air force they belonged to.

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