Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9

At sea. Usual slow pace and good weather...rather warmer than when we were crossing the Pacific in the north. Chinese themed formal night this evening with dining room festively decorated with red hangings and lights up the two storey pillars which were also entwined by (inflatable?) red dragons and the staff in colorful Chinese style jackets.

Friday, October 10

Another sea ‘em. The main excitement for today was that everybody had to report to the main lounge this morning to have their temperature taken for the Hong Kong authorities. This is supposed to be an effort to prevent the spread of SARS. The process took all of 30 seconds or less leaving the rest of the day free for Trivia and general chilling out. The fun trivia of the day was “what famous ship was captained by Christopher Jones?” Our team actually got that one right. It was the Mayflower.

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