Friday, March 9
Another sea day...lovely sunbathing weather. At the moment I write this, we have just passed between San Juan and the Dominican Republic en route to the Bahamas area. Only 2 days left. Those passengers who are perpetual hurriers and worriers spent the day lined up to talk to the representative of the company which will be shipping luggage home. I’m happy enough to wait until tomorrow or even Sunday to deal with that.
I’m beginning to think about packing, but so far haven’t done any. It’s a good thing they gave us that extra suitcase. Today we received a box that’s about 16x16x3 inches containing a Royal Copenhagen Blue Delft serving plate. It will take up almost as much space as the parka!
Saturday, March 10
This evening we are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day a week early. Over the past few weeks, since Jill found a skein of bright green yarn in Puerto Chacabuco, Chile, I’ve crocheted a bunch of shamrocks for us to both wear and share with others. I also made a great green shamrock award for John who has kept us so entertained every night at dinner. It should be lots of fun.
Tomorrow is a last sea day for a bit more sun and a lot of packing and goodbyes, so this is the end of my weblog about my trip around South America and to the Antarctic. I hope you’ve enjoyed my adventure...I certainly have.